Sunday, February 14, 2010

blog 56: olympic training starts early in the CZR...

well, im off to the Czech mountains for the week! im going with my preschoolers to take them on a skiing trip for the week (Olympian training starts early here...) :) it will be quite a handful taking twenty three-to-six year olds to the slopes, but it should be fun. skiing, good food, beautiful snowy mountains, and my darling children. im sure many stories to follow, but until now i am off the radar until friday!

happy skiing!

love love love from a snowy prague.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

the internet is finally back, and the blogs are too. get excited.

and Mark? i ate KFC for dinner last night :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

blog 55: the abyss that is czech internet...

it literally takes forever and a day to get anything accomplished in the czech republic. note to all if you ever need to get internet fixed in the czech republic. it's rough. not to mention that the internet just goes out all the time and the czechs dont even blink an eye.

well i apologize for the delay in blogs, but they will return very soon :) loads to share with you!

love love love from prague!