Sunday, May 30, 2010

blog 68: Mamma Mia, here i go again...

if there is one thing i have realized after a week in the Šumava Mountains with my preschoolers, it's that little kids hate to be bathed. but more so than that, they hate having their hair dried with the hair dryer. each day after we would get back from "hiking", our long walks around the mountain countryside, we would shower the kids and then had to dry their hair. the boys would squirm and hide their heads and do anything to get out of the reach of the hairdryer.

it wasn't only the boys though; the girls didnt love the hair drying portion of the day either. they would stand there and every two minutes ask "are we done yet? can i go?" i finally had to have a talk with a few of them explaining that "it's just part of being a girl!"

one day i was drying Tomáš' hair and mid-squirm he started jumping up and down singing Mamma Mia. he looked up at me to see my reaction and burst out in a fit of giggles and i just belted it out with him. we both started jumping up and down singing (yelling) Mamma Mia over the hair dryer and dancing around the bathroom. not only did the hair drying go by so much faster, but i learned a new trick to make unpleasant things go by faster! Let's just say, this isn't the first time that knowing every word to every ABBA song has come in handy in the Czech Republic :)

love love love from back in the city!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

blog 67: bliss.

happy strawberry season :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

blog 66: the fifty eighth year!

happy birthday, mikey!! what a wonderful day to have a fifth eighth birthday! thank you for being such a wonderful father and devoting the last twenty three years to teaching me all you know, you've done a fantastic job. i love you so much! here's to another just as wonderful fifty eight :)

p.s tom crean wanted me to tell you he PERSONALLY wishes a happy birthday to his biggest fan.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Blog 65: the twenty third year.

Today we celebrate you, roomie! Carrie Maye is officially twenty three today :) We had a wonderful weekend of celebrating with dinners, brunches, and parties with friends and (french) families.

As most of you know, we take birthdays very seriously in my family. They are celebrated from start to finish (and usually a few days before and after). They are the one day of the year thats all about you! Just to celebrate being alive, how wonderful. Carrie has a tradition where on her birthday she makes a "resolution" or sets a goal to accomplish. She chooses her birthday rather than New Years Eve because you're much more likely to follow through with it when it starts and ends on a day special to you personally and not the entire world. I think this is a great idea, because then when your next birthday comes around you can check your progress and see how its going! Go ahead and try this at home :)

Rain, rain, rain this week, all over the world! Stay dry!