ahoj loving friends and family.
first i must apologize for not blogging as of late. it is not because i was in a slump or had nothing to write about (although day to day life in prague is not ALL that exciting...) but it is more so that i could not bring myself to blog. As you know, my last blog was another (of many) blog about my best guy friend devon. shortly after this blog was published dev disappeared while vacationing in frankfurt, germany. one month later his body was found in the frankfurt river. especially since my last publish was a two parter about devon and his "new digital clock" it was too painful to finish and it averted me from blogging. i needed time to grieve and step back from it for a bit. with the strength and certainty that devon is looking down on me now, i am able to find comfort. the only light in this dark time is that i have found great comfort in his wonderful, loving, supportive family. they are so amazing and i have loved getting to know them. i consider them a huge part of my life now and talk to them often, and for that i am so grateful.
Devon, i miss you and love you more than you will ever know. i think about you each and everyday. coming back to prague without you, knowing that you will not return with me has been so hard, but our loving friends and your loving family have been so supportive, they have made it possible. you were the only guy i have ever felt comfortable enough with to tell him everything. you knew almost everything about me, and even the silly stuff i dont share with most people i told you. you didnt judge me or make fun of me, but you just understood that it makes me who i am and loved me for it. (and then of course would make fun of me for it later, but that's how i knew you cared :) ) thank you for being such a wonderful friend and helping me cope when i moved continents and was incredibly homesick. i missed my family, but you were always there to remind me that we were meant to be here together, and i honestly believe that. you made these past six months so wonderful, and for that i am eternally grateful. i love you, devon.
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