I have no problem eating in restaurants alone. As long as you have a good book you are never alone (right, dad?) In the states I would frequently grab a quick lunch as I was out and about and pull my trusty book out of my bag, and boom: lunchtime entertainment.
But here it is even more wonderful to lunch alone. The streets are lined with darling cafes with overstuffed chairs and couches beckoning. With a group of friends or alone with a book, these are my favorite places to relax.
Today I had a half day of school and decided to run some errands and treat myself to a lunch out. I grabbed my kindle and secured myself a table in a cafe. Now, this is the part where I expect to get a lot of reading done, but nine times out of ten find what my neighboring tables are talking about too fascinating to progress much in my book. But in Prague, the beauty lies in the fact that I can really only understand about every fourth word being said, and listening in seems to be too much work for a really inane conversation about someone's sick dog (to the lady sitting next to me today: i hope he gets better soon!) Due to this, I end up getting much more reading done and enjoy a pleasant lunch; just me and (today) Julia Child. (Side note: I am currently reading Julia Child's My Life in France and would highly recommend it.)
What a wonderful way to start the weekend :)
love love love from prague!
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